This is the complete documentation of the Metroscope Modeling Library (MML3). Each component is described in this documentation with its hypothesis, variables, parameters and equations. The structure of this page mainly respects the structure of the library. Since MML is based on ThermoSysPro, most equations can be found in the ThermoSysPro handbook and links to the handbook are given for all equations.

This documentation is up to date to the last release of MML.

<aside> 📄 Version of the handbook used in this documentation : Baligh El Hefni and Daniel Bouskela Modeling and Simulation of Thermal Power Plantswith ThermoSysPro A Theoretical Introduction and a Practical Guide, Springer, 2019


<aside> 🌍 MML3 is located in the GitHub repository


Library Structure and Hypothesis

In this page you will find:

Library Structure and Hypothesis


These packages contain all the components you can use in models. They are sorted by fluid, except for the Sensors package.

Water and steam




